It's incredible how deeply relaxing these sounds are!
I listen to it very quietly in the background when I need to concentrate - or to fall asleep.
My body actually reacts with a pleasant warmth and relaxation.
Thank you!
Claudia, Munich
I design websites and like to shut out everything around me during the creative phase.
With my phone on silent and this sound in my ear, I can relax and achieve great results.
Jörg, Bremen
I like to paint and let Icelandic Relaxation take me into inspiring fantasy worlds. The effect of this music is brilliant!
Manuel, Osnabrück
I'm often completely over-excited and hyper-nervous. At a friend's house, I listened to Ocean Chill as softly rippling background music and completely shut down. I bought this track and “Rainy Forest” and always enjoy listening to it. For me, it's an over-the-counter sedative with no side effects :)
Christiane, Berlin
In our joint dental practice, this music plays on a continuous loop in the waiting room. Anxious patients react extremely positively to the calming sounds.